Welcome to the Bronco Online Store!
The 2024-2025 Back-to-School Online Store is open now for PTA membership purchases. Spirit wear can be found HERE
Create a Membership Toolkit Account: https://westpta.membershiptoolkit.com/create_account. If you already have a Membership Toolkit Account at another school, please use that log in.
You will need to create an account to access many of the website features. -
Once you have logged in, return to this page by choosing "Store" in the website menu bar (https://westpta.membershiptoolkit.com/store).
Click the "Family Information" link in the box below and complete the requested information. Families with children currently enrolled will complete the "Directory and Publish Preferences" as well.
Once you have checked out, if you need to purchase additional items, please use the links at the bottom of this page.
To pay by cash of check, you can click on the following links, fill out and send with your student with payment to the office:
24-25 Membership & Spirit Wear BUNDLE Form - CLOSES August 21st, 2024
SPIRIT WEAR 2024-2025 can be found HERE
MISSING SOMETHING? If you do NOT see a box that starts with the "Family Information" link just above here, please create a Membership Toolkit account now by visiting: https://westpta.membershiptoolkit.com/create_account
If you already completed our "Back-to-School Online Store Experience" and need to go back and make another purchase, please use the links below.
Please do not use these links unless there are green check marks next to BOTH of the boxes above. If any are missing a green check mark, PLEASE complete any unchecked items before using the options below.
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, February 16
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, February 21
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Sunday, March 16
- Sunday, April 6
Calendar Colors
West Calendar - Orange
West Athletics - Red
West Magnets - Green
West PTA Calendar - Blue
RHS Athletics - Purple
RISD Calendar - Navy